Day 18: The pump

Day 18: The pump

Screeech. Bang. Halt. Kapow!

The above collection of onomatopoeia are not only here because we need to remember to get new brake pads for the van, but also as a metaphor for the Water Plaza portion of this project. We've come to a screeching halt in the finishing of the solar powered water pump. When we had assumed that it was because of the failing wooden structure that held up the panels, and the miss-operation of these panels that caused the plaza to stop working it may have been in fact that the pump had failed. We do not know for certain, though. The structure still needed to come down, and the new panels are better and far more applicable to the power needs of the plaza. The pump, though, just isn’t working which is what has been determined so far. This was found today once we had two specialists from Bolga come look at it and Henry the solar guy, along with Matt's astounding thorough knowledge of the entire system.

With Matt's calm guidance we set forth for the aid of Pok and Ben Adongo in acquiring a new pump or repairing the old one in Accra or Kumasi. A new pump would require a new control unit, and hopefully we will be able to source a mechanical pump as well. Other options are also being considered. We did source more items in Bolga today, especially for drip thanks to Solomon and his helpful enthusiasm.

From here contacts need to be reached, price assessments made, and a plan determined for getting done what we can before we leave for the south again next week. We also need to make certain of the functionality of the pump.

All in all, we are hopeful, and appreciate all the help we've been receiving from everyone involved.



The last few days have been great for the progress of the drip irrigation system. The manifolds which will attach the system to its tank were made with relative ease (using hammers and other heavy things to tighten them) . We also started the process of melting emitter-holes into the pvc that will lay next to the crops. Having changed the design of our overall plan we will be using two separate tanks instead of one large tank, this will allow us to test out a system sooner and foresee any problems that may spring up in the second system.

After Matt, Anna, Henry & the water technicians determined the pump was damaged we moved to Bolga and sourced a few more parts for our tank (with the help of Solomon) . Tomorrow we hope to begin the final steps towards finishing one system.



  1. I am sorry for all the problems you all encounter with the pump. Hopefully a new pump will arrive in time for you all to install it. I was happy to hear about all the great progress you are making in regards to the irrigation system. The story of breaking down the wall made me laugh. Keep up the great work, don't get discouraged, do the best you can.

  2. sounds like you all solved the pump glitch well - and congratulations water woman
